Did you know that people can learn languages well from birth to 7 years old? Therefore, parents who want their children to be good at English or want to prepare them before they go to school must act as their child’s first English teacher.

If you want to teach your child to be good at languages, parents may not need to hire a special teacher to teach the language to their child at home. Just find activities to do with your child using language as a medium. This is another way to teach your child to be good at languages effectively. Moreover, learning languages also helps promote brain development in children.
If you want to teach your child to be good at languages from a young age, parents can try following these 5 simple tips:
Learn vocabulary from things around you. Teach your child to be familiar with the language and dare to pronounce with things around them, ufabet https://ufabet999.app. Practice with things that your child uses or sees every day until your child feels familiar with it. Create familiarity so that your child feels more fun with the language.
Make short Q&A routines. Have short conversations in English every day as if it were a routine, so that it doesn’t feel boring and too teaching-like.
Teach through storytelling, short stories, emphasizing illustrations, emphasizing teaching specific vocabulary is even better. But you have to choose the right one for the age of the children. It will be fun and they can focus for a longer time.
Use music as a helper. Listening to music helps children have fun while practicing pronunciation at the same time.
Play English games, flashcards, or picture cards, such as matching, guessing, or download language practice apps for your little ones to practice during their free time.
The advantage of your child starting to learn English with you is that they will learn the language gradually and naturally, especially if it is learning English through play.
Parents may have heard that teaching children two languages may cause language confusion and communication problems, such as children speaking slowly. In fact, children can learn many languages at the same time and can learn them effectively. Teaching children to be good at languages is not difficult. Parents just need to spend time, attention, and consistency in teaching.